2012-13 Singles Ladder League Cancellation, No
Show, and No Play Policies:
Because West View Tennis Center is a non membership,
non guest fee club and is directly affected by court time
cancellations, the following singles league policies are in
1) If you cancel a court
after the match lineup has been posted and emailed (which means that
you have replied with available times to play), you can make it up
within 10 days from the scheduled match date with no penalty. West
View will email you the name, email address, and phone number of
your opponent. It is your job to contact your opponent, reschedule
the match, and book the court - we understand that events occur:
work, injury, illness, etc.
2) If you cancel a match and do not
make it up, the match is defaulted to your opponent and you
are moved to the bottom of the ladder. If this occurs more than 1
time during the year, you are also responsible for your share
of the court payment before you can be scheduled again
3) You get 1 free "no show" per
year ... anyone can forget one time; however, you are moved to the
bottom of the ladder and responsible for your share of the court
time payment ($20+tax) before you are scheduled for another match.
If it happens a second time, you are removed from the
ladder board. To get back on will require the entire $40+tax match
cost. If it happens a third time, you are permanently removed from
the ladder board.
4) The singles ladder league is meant to
be an active one (we don't want someone at the top of the ladder
simply because they do not play). If you don't reply for a month of
play (all of November, all of December, etc) , you will be moved
down 4 spots; if you don't reply for 2 consecutive months, you are
moved to the bottom of the ladder.
5) Finally, and very
important: if you need to cancel a match, you must call the tennis
club at (304) 292-4841 and talk to one of us or leave a voice
mail. We may miss an email that you have sent, or end up
checking it late.